Timeline From C&P Exam To Decision 2024. How long after cp exam for decision (and why)? C&p exam is a part of the.
I know some people say “bro it took me like 2 years lmao good luck” and others say. My quickest was for my initial claim, which took 8 days for a.
Before Ebenefits Started Redirecting Me To Va.gov, I Could See That My Claim Was In.
Ultimately, the decision of where to have a c&p exam conducted is up to the individual veteran and their personal preferences.
After A C&Amp;P Exam, How Long On Average Does It Take For A Decision To Be Made?
How long does it take to get a decision after the c&p exam?
C&Amp;P Exams Are Tools Used By Claims Processors To Either Collect Missing Evidence Or Clarify Information In Your Claim.
Images References :
How Long Does It Take Va To Make A Decision?
Could take more or less time.
This Wait Is Killing Me, While I Know I'll Get Back Pay For It, It Does Not.
What to know about the compensation and pension exam (c&p) timeline in 2023.
C&Amp;P Exam Is A Part Of The.